Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Resolution updated!

I'm' not friendly with "commies" neither communists ,nazism or something despicable like that. This is about politicians,idelogies not about MK stuff. I'm more like a Terminator of these guys...At least in the past. I'm more close to the American values.

I would like to thank to all friends from Russia. It's very grateful on the reload stage of Mortal Kombat Zero project.  All shit against TX and his members will be removed.
A clear release.

Thank you my friends from Russia And Ukraine.

I have found my perfect resolution for this project. It's superior than any other project 800x600. In General,internet projects uses 800x508.

I'm very happy with the results. Besides the lifebar ,everything has been converted with a simple change.  No charge,lifebar has been fully updated.

The quality says by itself,take a look:

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Mortal Kombat Zero - Kano Fatality

Kano classic fatality back on MK Zero. Check it out:

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Kano and system updates

All air reactions has been updated. Added new frames to all characters. Except on air combos and some logical references. By the way all air reactions has been fully updated.
New knife cancel move
Kano has been updated,check it out:

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Ruby's Fatality

It's the same video re-uploaded with more quality. Also check the new video card model.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Ruby's fatality

My next step shall be the full resize of the game.  It's a hard task, butt it's vital for all further sagas.

I had no desires about changes on resolution.... However,it's fully necessary.

Ryby's fatal,check it out:

Friday, May 11, 2018

MK Zero - Next Generation

New lifebar
New damage system and font
New announcer font
Updated Blood system
Fatality bar activated
Updated game ticks/timing/animations
Updated collision boxes
Updated sounds
New hit/reactions
Combo system fully updated.

Ruby's updates:

New FX effects overall of her special moves !!

Madway,Kombat Zero Unlimited, Powered by Fireboy.