There's lots of changes for this next version. This version shall consume more time than expect. There is a good reason for doing this.
This version shall be pretty close to the final version,missing only
some new kombatants and arenas.
After all,this version are consuming lots of time,especially for fatality activation,with countless of sprites, annoying,repetitive work.
That really pisses me off.
I still looking for my departure,since my desire for MK stuff are very low for now.
I'm looking for new things,outside know real things,things that I can't deny,just makes me happy. That also consumes lots of time,it's a matter of priority.
MK is no longer my priority on my life.
Back in the day,this version could be released in flash the other hand,MK stuff are Just a waste of time and ideas for the netherrealm.
No thanks,I'm not interested in serve no one.
At least before get paid for the real job. No money,no original least NOT in a conventional way,my creativity can be used in a new form,to be revealed in my next task.
It's also a immense form to say FUCK OFF
However my creativity are being used in a different a form that can't be used in a commercial way. Stay tunned for MILEENA'S FATALITY. That will explain lots of things. That makes more sense for me nowadays. Really creative,I assure you !! HA-HA.
For now,check Hanzo and Sub-Zero,stances updated!!